The Living Room

Come in. Sit down. We can’t wait to see you.

Several times a year, Rumble hosts the Living Room, a gathering for the artistic community to get together and talk about what’s going on. All of it. It’s a great opportunity to connect, network, and share news in a casual and fun environment. Refreshments are served. (That’s for the mingling….mingling snacks.)

For example, In 2019-2020, we invited Chelsea Haberlin (Neworld Theatre) and Emelia Syminton Fedy (The Chop) to discuss positionality in the creation of art in conversation with Rumble AD Jiv Parasram in “The Living Room: Identity Play”

In “The Living Room: Whose Show is it anyway?” We were delighted to welcome Maiko Yamamoto to talk about identifying audiences for our work. Some questions covered included: Who is your show made for? Who’s your audience? Local? National? International? What’s the difference anyway?

So listen, think, speak. Be welcome. Expect creative contributions around provocative ideas, and some good laughs.

The Living Room is currently on Hold due to Provincial Health Orders. Stay tuned for its triumphant and disinfected return.

Want to pitch us an idea for a future Living Room, or host one, or propose a novel format? Reach out to Jarin at, we’d love to hear for you!