Created and co-produced by Boca del Lupo, Electric Company, Felix Culpa, Leaky Heaven Circus, neworldtheatre, The Only Animal, Radix, Rumble Productions, Theatre Replacement, Theatre Conspiracy and Theatre Skam. A Magnetic North Presentation
Hive 2
June 5 – 14, 2008
At the Centre for Digital Media, Great Northern Way campus
“If you need proof that Vancouver is one of the most exciting theatre cities on the continent, head on down to Hive 2.” – Colin Thomas, The Georgia Straight
A featured event in the 2008 Magnetic North Theatre Festival in Vancouver, HIVE 2 took over 2 warehouse spaces at the Digital Media Centre for a 9-day marathon of perspective-rocking, intimate, outrageous, and eclectic performances by 11 independent BC theatre companies. Building on the success of the original HIVE, the member companies of Progress Lab were commissioned by the Festival through a grant from Arts Partners in Creative Development. Veda Hille curated 9 bands for the after-show party each night, and Glenn Alteen of Grunt Gallery brought some seriously live artists to the cabaret space.
Rumble collaborated with Theatre Melee, a company-in-residence, on our Hive 2 offering, The End is Here!
The End is Here!
Four survivors in a post-apocalyptic world face an uncertain future. Should they try to fight back? Repopulate the planet? Or just get to know each other better?
Cast and Production Team:
Created by: Courtenay Dobbie, Craig Hall, Erin Mathews, Andrew McNee, Michael Rinaldi and Juno Ruddell
Produced by: Rumble Productions for HIVE 2
Direction: Courtenay Dobbie and Craig Hall
Performers: Erin Mathews, Andrew McNee, Michael Rinaldi and Juno Ruddell