Created and produced by Boca del Lupo, Electric Company, Felix Culpa, Leaky Heaven Circus, neworldtheatre, the Only Animal, Radix, Rumble Productions, Theatre Replacement, Theatre SKAM, and Western Theatre Conspiracy.
November 9 – 11, 2006
“Hive blew my mind. It’s one of the most exciting artistic events I’ve ever experienced.” – Colin Thomas, The Georgia Straight
Eleven performance cells clustered around a central bar. Each participating company creates an intimate, short theatre piece, performing it for no more than twenty people at a time, at repeated intervals over the course of the evening. Audience members grab a drink and select from a menu of performances, according to their own tastes and inclinations. They can see all 11, pick and choose, or just hang at the bar, and cross-pollinate. At HIVE, everyone’s the Queen Bee.
Rumble’s HIVE offering was devised and presented by Artists-in-Residence, The Chop (Anita Rochon & Emelia Symington Fedy).
2 Truths + 1 Lie = Proof
A father and daughter team up to perform excerpts from Proof, by David Auburn. Armed with an old walkman, each audience member listens to a cassette containing a recording of the family members telling two truths and one lie about their personal lives, in tandem with watching them perform in character. Can you guess the truth? Does your knowledge of their dirty secrets effect the way you watch them perform? This funny and honest piece delivers an intimate experience with the performers while experimenting with how personal history affects public performance.
Cast and Production Team:
Created by: The Chop
Produced by: Rumble Productions for HIVE
Direction: Emelia Symington Fedy
Performers: Anita Rochon and Paul Rochon