Presented by Rumble
Tremors 2018
August 16-25, 2018
Festival Showcase
at the Italian Cultural Centre

About the Show
Tremors Festival proves that the city’s theatre scene is in good hands.
— Mark Robins, Vancouver Presents
The 2018 edition of Tremors, our festival of emerging talent, featured a talented young company of 38 emerging theatre artists who directed, designed, stage managed, produced, provided technical direction, and performed in three contemporary Canadian plays: Selfie by Christine Quintana, Tiny Replicas by Dave Deveau, and Theory by Norman Yeung. The plays were complemented by a Playwrights Speaker Series and talkbacks for Selfie.
The Tremors 2018 Plays
By Christine Quintana
The first party of the school year comes packed with expectations. It’s a time to renew old friendships and perhaps find new love. But what happens when an incident shatters the connections between three friends? Teenage relationships are complicated enough – especially when you add the reckless power of social media. This smart and intense play delves bravely into the nature of sexual consent.
Directed by Pedro Chamale
Featuring Carlen Escarraga, Olivia Lang & Grace Le
Set Design by Emily Fraser
Costume Design by Jessica Hood
Lighting Design by Harika Xu
Sound Design by Emilee Shackleton
Projection Design by Vanka Salim
Stage Management by Duston Baranow-Watts
By Dave Deveau
Simon and Ethan want to have a baby…but they can’t do it without the help of Dayna and Audrey. The challenges of a gay couple trying to have a baby come to life in this comedic and heartfelt look at how we find out who we are through our relationship to procreation and our relationships with each other.
Directed by Shelby Bushell
Featuring Douglas Ennenberg, Bronwyn Henderson, Paige Louter, Alexander Lowe & Andrew Lynch
Set Design by Ariel Slack
Costume Design by Liz Gao
Lighting Design by Mark Burge
Sound Design by Tyler Dumoulin
Stage Management by Talya Kuran
By Norman Yeung
Isabelle, a young tenure-track professor, tests the limits of free speech by encouraging her students to contribute to an un-moderated discussion group. When an anonymous student posts offensive comments and videos, Isabelle must decide whether to intervene or to let the social experiment play out. Soon, the posts turn abusive and threatening, leading Isabelle and her unknown tormentor to engage in a high-stakes game of cat-and-mouse that not only has Isabelle questioning her beliefs, but fearing for her life.
Directed by Mily Mumford
Featuring Valeria Ascolese, Haris Amiri, Mariam Barry, Jesse DeCoste, Kimberly Ho, Jed Weiss & Elizabeth Willow
Set Design by Allyson Fournier
Costume Design by Melicia Zaini
Lighting Design by Keagan Elrick
Sound Design by Patrick Boudreau
Projection Design by Kyle Stooshnov
Stage Management by Samantha Pawliuk & Sony Tsai
Tremors Festival Team Members
Tremors TD: Debbie Courchene
Tremors Apprentice TD: Nicole Weismiller
Tremors Apprentice Producer: Madelyn Osborne
Media Sponsor: The Georgia Straight
Project Support:
Canadian Heritage
City of Vancouver Cultural Services
The Hamber Foundation
The Youssef-Warren Foundation
Lounge Sponsorship:
Postmark Brewing
Vancouver Urban Winery