Indian Arm
April 8 – 18, 2015
Based on Little Eyolf by Henrik Ibsen
Studio 16, 1555 W. 7th Avenue, Vancouver, BC
8pm shows every night, matinees April 11, 12, 15 and 18. No shows April 13th.
Box office from the April 11th 8pm show shared with BC Children’s Hospital Foundation
Talkbacks: April 12 (matinee), April 14 (evening) & April 15 (matinee)
Speaker Series: April 15 (evening) with Michael Springate

“Nothing belongs to you of what there is, of what you take you must share.”
– Chief Dan George
About the Show
After years of resenting her role as mother to a disabled son, longing for a time when she and her husband Alfred could be together as they used to be, Rita gets her wish. Indian Arm is the story of a family dealing with unspeakable tragedy. A ruthless exploration of what it means to live together, to lose everything, and to survive unimaginable grief.
Below find some audience and critical feedback we received on the show:
“Indian Arm will sneak up on you and rip open your heart.” – David C. Jones, Vancouver Presents (read David’s complete review here)
“In Indian Arm, actress Jennifer Copping pretty much skins herself alive. Her performance is one of the most astonishing of the season.” – Colin Thomas, Georgia Straight (read Colin’s complete review here)
“…an intense emotional puzzle that stays with you long after the lights go down.” – Erika Thorkelson, Vancouver Sun (read Erika’s complete review here)
“What a joy and a privilege it is to be witness to the premiere of a haunting, beautifully written and performed Canadian play… It’s very worth seeing.” – Gillian Lockitch, Review From The House (read Gillian’s complete review here)
@NinaTischhauser: BRAVO
@RandiEdmundson: Caught @RumbleTheatre #IndianArm today. Such a compelling story #feels
“Just wanted to say how wonderful the play is. Kudos to Hiro, production team and actors. Just brilliant all-round.”
Jennifer Copping
Gloria May Eshkibok
Gerry Mackay
Caitlin McFarlane
Richard Russ
Creative Team
Director: Stephen Drover
Production Designer: Drew Facey
Lighting Designer: Conor Moore
Sound Designer: James Coomber
Associate Director: Corey Payette
Stage Manager: Collette Brown
Assistant Stage Manager: Noelle Sediego
Production Manager: Becky Low
Technical Director: Robin Richardson
“Drowning Man” image by Wendi Wirawan/Design by Kristen Johnson
Indian Arm was made possible with generous support from: