June 8, 2013
A radical initiative intended to rattle the cage of local theatre makers.

Obstructions is a radical initiative intended to rattle the cage of local theatre makers. Inspired in part by the film The Five Obstructions, by Jørgen Leth and Lars Von Trier, Obstructions is the latest project from the group of theatre companies known as Progress Lab, producers of the wildly popular and innovative HIVE series. Over a one-year period, each company creates an evening’s entertainment based on some creative “obstructions” devised in secret meetings by the rest of the group. Participating companies are forced to create work outside their comfort zone; the result is like nothing you’ve seen from them before.
Rumble Theatre was handed these Obstructions by our peers with the challenge of building a show around them:
- You may not use any set blocking or seminal text from previously published plays or other forms of literature
- The piece must be an original collaborative creation with the text drawn from the group and must be in the form of a romantic comedy using an all-female cast
- You may not use any ideas that are formulated outside of official rehearsal hours
On Saturday, June 8, 2013 at PL1422, Rumble presented:
An original. all-female estrogen-infused rom-com
Hazel works at Gangbuy, a company aspiring to be the next Groupon. She dreams of something bigger and better, full of love and opportunities. When a promotion becomes available, she comes head-to-head with her office nemesis, Robin. Pretty soon sparks fly, insults are slung and desks get wet. See what happens when Hazel discovers what she really wants.
Directed by Stephen Drover
Written by and Featuring:
Evelyn Chew
Emmelia Gordon
Christine Quintana
Pippa Mackie
Lindsay Winch